Privacy Policy

Personal data protection rules


(Manager of personal data and contact information)

The provisions of this document refer to the collection and processing of all personal data collected and processed by Go4Support d.o.o. (hereinafter: manager).

Manager information:

Company name: Go4Support d.o.o.
Address: Trg žrtava fašizma 7, Zagreb
Identity number: 40711027457
Phone: +385 1 7776 789


(Types of personal data processed)

Types of personal data we process:

  • basic information about the user (name and surname, place of residence, date of birth, location);
  • contact information and information about your communication with the manager (e-mail address (e-mail), telephone number, content of postal or electronic communication;
  • channel and campaign – the method of attracting a member or the source through which the user came into contact with the manager (website and advertising campaign or action, physical store);
  • data on the user’s use of the manager’s website (dates and hours of website visits, pages or URLs visited, time spent on individual pages, number of pages visited, total time spent visiting the website, settings made on the website) and data on the use of received messages (e-mail, SMS) from the manager;
  • data from forms voluntarily filled in by the user
  • other data that the user voluntarily submits to the service provider when sending a request for certain services that require the delivery of data.

The service provider (manager) does not collect and process your personal data, except when you allow it or when you agree to it, or when there is a legal basis for collecting personal data or when the service provider has a legitimate interest in data processing.


(Basis for personal data processing)

We process personal data when it is necessary to fulfill the obligations imposed on us by legislation, i.e. when it is necessary to fulfill our obligations based on the contract concluded with you. We also process personal data when you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data. You can revoke the given consent at any time.


(Purpose of personal data processing)

We collect and process personal data for the following purposes:

  • law and contractual relations,
  • consent of the individual,
  • legitimate interest,
  • market research,
  • advertising and notification.


(Preservation of personal data)

We keep the personal data that we collected on the basis of your consent until revoked.

If you express a wish to revoke, we will permanently and effectively delete personal data, or anonymize them, so that they lose the character of personal data.


(Submission of personal data)

You decide whether you want to provide us with your personal data voluntarily.

Failure to provide certain categories of personal data may result in the impossibility of providing the service or refusal to conclude a contract.


(Access to personal data)

Only people within Go4Support d.o.o. have access to your personal data. who are authorized to process personal data and third parties with whom the company Go4Support d.o.o. entered into a contract on data processing, or contractual processors of personal data.

Contract processors of personal data are:

  • accounting Service,
    law offices and other providers of legal advice services,
  • providers of data processing and analytics services,
  • persons working on IT system maintenance,
    email service providers (eg Mailchimp and others),
  • providers of customer relationship management systems (eg Microsoft);

Contractual processors are prohibited from transferring personal data to third countries and international organizations.


(Rights in relation to personal data)

From the company Go4Support d.o.o. at any time, you can request that it inform you whether it processes your personal data, which personal data it processes, the purpose of processing personal data, who are the users of this personal data, the period of personal data storage and the criteria for determining the duration of personal data storage. You can also request that the company inform you about the existence of automated decision-making and about the reasons for its use, the importance of its use and the expected consequences.

You can also request the correction of incorrect data and restriction of processing when:

you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a certain period of time that is required to verify the accuracy of the data.
the processing is illegal, but you do not request the deletion of the data, but limit its processing.
personal data are no longer needed, but are needed by you to fulfill and defend legal claims.

In the event that all the conditions established in Article 17 of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data are met, you can request the deletion of all your personal data (Right to be forgotten). In any case, when the data was collected on the basis of your consent, which you subsequently revoked.

You can also request a printout of your personal data in a structured and readable form. You may submit this data to another personal data controller without restriction.

According to Go4Support d.o.o. you can file a complaint with the information commissioner if you believe that the company Go4Support d.o.o. violates applicable legislation by processing your personal data.


(Achieving rights)

Address your requests from the previous article to any manager contact listed in article 1 of this document.

In order to provide personal data, we may require you to provide proof of your identity. If you fail to reliably prove your identity, we may reject your request from the previous article.

We must respond to your request from the previous article as soon as we get to know it and collect the appropriate information. We must do this no later than 15 days after receiving your request.